Homeless Shelters

Emergency shelters and homeless shelters and some transitional housing opportunities. Many homeless shelters have waiting lists and some are long. Call for availability.

The Lodge is an innovative facility that provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic v...
The Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa arrived in the archdiocese in 1980 to care for the &...
His House Children’s Home is a private non-profit, faith-based organization dedicated to restor...
LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness under 24 years-old with: Access...
New Life serves working families in Miami-Dade County who are homeless or at risk of becoming hom...
Better Way of Miami, Inc. Housing Programs provide housing and supportive services on a long-term...
Eyes On God Homeless Shelter provides resources for homeless shelter, emergency housing, and tran...
Showing 17 results